travel blog » Europe » Spain


I lived in Spain for almost a year and especially my favourite city Madrid became my second home. What makes travelling Spain so special? You can read that here!

Travel, Spain

El Clásico – Madrid vs. Barcelona

Beach or culture, tradition or modern Spain: at first glance, the two Spanish metropolises Madrid and Barcelona do not seem to have much in common. Except that they both offer plenty of activities for a trip. You can find out where you are best off by comparing Madrid vs. Barcelona.

Travel, Spain

Andalusia: From Seville to Malaga

One week by car through Andalusia, from Seville to Málaga. Two cities that couldn't be more Spanish and in between miles of sandy beaches, Granada with its Alhambra and Cádiz, the oldest city in Europe. I was surprised how multifaceted the south of Spain really is. Andalusia's sights and my very personal travel tips you can find here.

Travel, Spain

San Sebastián: Travel tips for the Basque Country

It is impossible to arrive in San Sebastián, or Donostia, as the Basque name is, and not fall in love with the city directly. San Sebastián is indeed the pearl of Spain, especially in summer. What makes it so special and how you can spend your holiday in the north of Spain best, I will tell you here.