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Planning a trip to Greece? Get some inspo before you go!

Greece, Travel

Santorini: Oia, the white city of Greece

Whoever hears Santorini, mostly thinks - without knowing its name - of the white artists' village Oía, in the very north of the small island. Everyone knows the pictures of how countless white houses nestle picturesquely into the cliffs. Is Oía really the most beautiful city of Greece? Without having seen them all, I would say probably one of the most beautiful. One thing is for sure: it's really just as dreamlike here as in all the pictures. Here you can find all my tips for your dream holiday on the Greek Cyclades island.

Greece, Travel

Matala, Crete - Flower Power in Greek

Today is life, tomorrow never comes. That was the motto of the flower children who gathered to form communities in the small fishing village of Matala on the south coast of Crete, and these words, written by Giorgios Germanakis, ex-fishermen and hippie pioneer, can still be admired as graffiti on a wall on the beach. Why is it worth a detour to Matala if you are in Crete? Here are some reasons.