travel blog » Asia


Find my travel reports from Asia. Are you looking for travel tips for India & Japan? Keep reading!

India, Travel

India: Most beautiful beaches in Goa

, there is nothing more relaxing, than to end your stay in India at the beaches of the West coast. Or are you traveling to India for the first time and you are looking for a gentle start? Hippie mecca Goa is completely different from the rest of the country and it set me a bit more at peace with India as a travel destination. Find the most beautiful places along the coast.

Japan, Travel

Tokyo travel guide

If there was a destination where I had no idea of what to expect, that would have been Tokyo. I always found Japan and its exotic culture extremely fascinating. When my Japanese friend invited me to spend a week in her parents apartment in Tokyo, I didn't have to think twice. Here you'll find sights, activities and everything you need to know.

India, Travel

North of India: Travel route

I think it is common knowledge by now, that India isn't for everyone. People seem to either love or hate it. Until India I always considered myself to be immun against culture shocks and open towards every new country. But India wanted to test me. Now I have to admit that I belog to the second group and I don't think that I would like to visit the country again.