If you want to actively support social projects on site while traveling, find out more about the projects I visited during my travels or which I support personally and how you can help yourself - even from home.
Plan International
In many countries in Africa, Asia or Latin America it is not a matter of course for children, especially girls, to attend school and thus prepare for an independent life. For some years now, I have therefore been working with Plan International, an organization that supports children in these countries and their families and communities through self-help projects. Find out here what you can contribute.

Education is the easiest way to self-help and can ensure that a whole generation can look forward to a better future. Many families cannot afford to send their child, let alone several children, to school. Mostly the girls are needed to help in the house and to cook. If girls also have the chance to get an education, they can pass this on to the children that they will raise one day. In the long run, this will change whole communities. Even small monthly amounts help to send more girls to school and your money goes directly into the local projects.
Latin America
My daughter is half-Mexican, a country where social injustice, especially towards indigenous families, is still high and where especially children from poorer families have no right to a good education. By taking over a sponsorship you help to strengthen these communities.