I don't know about you, but I can't get enough of books and need to read a new book at least once every week. The best time to do so, is - of course - during a long ride on the train or in the bus. I will show you, which books and authors I like best and which ones make me want to travel, every time I read them.
Into the wild – Jon Krakauer
Into the wild is my number one as travel and road trip inspiration. Not only because I am a huge fan of Eddie Vedder, who wrote the soundtrack. Book and movie are based on a true story and you feel it. The story shows so many real situations in a backpacker's life, who leaves everything behind to face nature, wilderness and loneliness - even if there is no happy ending.
On the road – Jack Kerouac
Autobiographical novels are the best inspiration, as there are so many crazy things happening while traveling. Things, that no one could ever make up, but life itself. Well, you might start to get a little impatient, when Dean Moriarty plans his 20th trip from the east to the west coast - but honestly, it will make you plan your own next road trip right away. On the road
Motorcycle Diaries – Che Guevara
It can only get better, when a book is based on the memories of Ernesto Che Guevara. Even if his story often sounds a little too romanticized: The Motorcycle Diaries is great entertainment , not only for your trip to South America or Cuba.
The alchemist - Paulo Coelho
I love Paulo Coelho. Every single book that he wrote. Although The alchemist isn't a typical travel story, it will push you to start your own personal journey and never forget why you started.
Eat, Pray, Love – Elizabeth Gilbert
Eat, Pray, Love is a classic, not only for women in their midlife crisis, but for everyone who wants more in life and starts looking for it. It is the true story of Elizabeth Gilbert, who leaves everything behind, to find happiness.
Nowhere in Africa - Stefanie Zweig
There are two topics, that I love to read about: traveling and World War 2. Nowhere in Africa is a great combination of both. If reading isn't for you - in this case the movie is as great as the book.
L’auberge Espagnole – Cedric Klapisch
If you plan an exchange semester in the near future, you should definitely read this book. It will show you exactly, what to expect.
Wolf Creek – Greg McLean
This book is the worst recommendation before you start a trip through the Australian outback. I read it exactly then anyways and it made my trip a lot more exciting. The book is about a bunch of backpackers, who get trapped by a farmer. Let's see how you can cope with the lonely, Central Australian roads afterwards.
Down Under - Bill Bryson
Bill Brysons book about Australia, Down Under - just like all of the other books he wrote - is written so well, that you get the feeling, you were there with him. At the same time it is so funny, that Bill Bryson is also known as world's funniest travel author.
The Why Cafe - John Strelecky
The Why Cafe is another book about someone who understands the meaning of his existence while traveling and turns his life upside down. It is a short read with a deep purpose.